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Introducing Awesome Particle!

Nothing beats a good tip from a friend or a trusted source. Here is a new way for you to explore the world of Particle: an Awesome list. It's full of tips from all across the Particle ecosystem, from docs to guides, to projects, libraries, and more!

Brandon Satrom article author avatarBrandon SatromJune 26, 2018
Introducing Awesome Particle!

Nothing beats a good tip from a friend or a trusted source. Whether it’s movies, books, or restaurant recommendations, tips save you time and get you to where you want to go, faster.

In the digital world, tips help you wade through a sea of information and find useful, helpful things more quickly. Today, I’m kicking off a Particle “Awesome list” to cover tips and tricks that I find helpful for my Particle development needs.

What is an “Awesome list”?

An “Awesome list” is like an online version of a friends’ recommendation. It’s tips from folks who know, sharing their insights and experience.

The format was created by Sindre Sorhus and gained early popularity in the front-end development world. It has since been adopted by hundreds of folks, library maintainers, and companies.

The purpose of an “Awesome list” is to serve as a curated list of resources and projects that cover a given topic or technology. It’s a way to highlight the things a maintainer and group of contributors feel are most important about a topic, as well as the cool things that people in the community are doing, building, or writing about.

Does anyone else use these kinds of lists?

Yes! There are a ton of awesome lists for everything from libraries and frameworks to OSes, programming languages, and more (there’s even one covering Pokémon). The main Awesome repo has around 300 links to other awesome lists. Here are some examples:

Ok, so what does this have to do with Particle?

I’ve setup an “Awesome Particle!” list, which I’ve been iterating internally over the last few weeks. And, as of today, I’m making the list and all its goodies public for your perusal!

In the Awesome Particle list, you’ll find helpful resources–official and unofficial–tools, docs, faqs, and some awesome tutorials. I’ve also included pointers to some of the team’s favorite firmware libraries, too.

Cool! Can I help?

Yes, you can! I know this list doesn’t cover everything awesome out there, so I want to hear from you. For starters, star the repo if you think this is a helpful resource. Then, if you have awesome things of your own to add, clone the repo, add your goodies to the README, and submit a pull request!

I hope you find these tips useful, and I can’t wait to see what awesome things you share!