How to design a secure mobility service

When managing a fleet of electric scooters or bikes, you have to implement more than a physical lock to build a secure mobility service. The real work is in the electronic security (securing device communication, user data, and more). That’s because new software bugs and security vulnerabilities are discovered all the time in connected micromobility fleets.
For example, in February 2019, a major scooter company issued a warning to their riders about a firmware bug in the company’s system that could cause a scooter to unexpectedly brake mid-ride. In the same month, a security research firm also discovered that hackers could make bikes suddenly accelerate or brake mid-ride thanks to a flaw in bluetooth modules.
As innovative companies build the future of transportation, they must constantly evaluate the security risks that come with connected micromobility fleets. This paper will detail the unique risks of connected devices and best practices for protecting your electric scooters and bike fleets.