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Announcing Particle Studios

Welcome to Particle Studios, our new professional engineering service where you can build your IoT product with our team of engineers.

Jeffrey Lee article author avatarJeffrey LeeFebruary 27, 2018
Announcing Particle Studios

(TL;DR – With Particle Studios, our team of engineers will help you build your IoT product at any stage of development. Learn more by visiting the Particle Studios webpage or feel free to contact us directly.)

To date, The Particle team has supported dozens of customers in building and deploying their IoT products. That’s why we’re excited to announce Particle Studios, our new professional engineering service where you can build your IoT product with our team of engineers.

From concept to market, our engineering team has seen it all and is prepared to help your team at any stage of implementation. The Particle Studios team offers everything from design reviews, proof-of-concept development, to full-on IoT implementations.

We’ve broken down our service offering into four unique packages to help you tackle every aspect of IoT product development:

Package 1: Architecture Review

Receive hardware and firmware reviews from our team of IoT engineers. They have reviewed thousands of designs and can recommend the right components and best firmware builds for your IoT product.

Package 2: Prototype

Struggling to get your idea out of R&D? Our Studios team will enable your team to produce a robust prototype that skips months of trial and error. Prove technical viability with an end-to-end proof of concept that will convince your organization to invest in your innovation.

Package 3: Pilot

Skip unnecessary design iterations – Our Studios team will help you build a market trial of your product that can be deployed for broader validation. At this stage, our team will help you with business logic integrations, firmware applications, data visualization, and low-volume manufacturing services you need to quickly prove field stability.

Package 4: Production

This package results in a finished product – certified, tested, and manufactured at scale. Our Studios team will provide their deep expertise in hardware manufacturing by helping you source, assembly, certify, and implement the proper test fixtures you need to deploy for scaling.

The Bottom Line

With Particle Studios, we’re enabling your team to build smarter products and become IoT experts in your organization. From architecture reviews, prototyping, proof-of-concepts, to production-ready IoT products, they’re here to help you become an expert at every stage of development. For more information, visit our new Particle Studios webpage. You can also contact us if you have any questions.

If you’re interested to learn more, feel free to contact us.

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