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Alerts and notifications

Reach customers with notifications and alerts

Trigger real-time alerts and notifications to your end users with Particle's easy-to-use Cloud APIs

Alerts and notifications diagram

Drive innovation with real-time alerts

Get real-time insights into your products and business with automatic alerts and notifications

  • Automatic alerts

    Create automatic alerts that notify you when your machine is about to break

  • Real-time telemetry

    Customize your IoT application and set up sensor-based alerting

  • Prevent theft and loss

    Implement custom alarm systems to protect equipment

Receive automatic alerts when they matter

Leveraging Particle’s Cloud API, you can create automatic alerts that notify you when your machine is about to break to prevent downtime.

Pump connected to a mobile interface

Customize alerts to best suit your business

Customize your IoT application and set up sensor based alerting to notify key stakeholders when readings go out of optimum range.

Alerts 2

Prevent theft and fraudulent activities

Implement custom alarm systems to protect equipment and devices from misuse and poor consumer behavior.

Alerts 3

Getting started is easy

Start building your prototype with a development kit from our store or contact our team of IoT experts to help you launch your next product.